Weekend events 31.05.24 - 03.06.24

Views: 3773
30.05.2024 22:37

The world is home to many powerful, dangerous, and unpredictable creatures and demons are just a single kind of them. For centuries, such monsters lived their lives, slowly becoming the subjects of sturdy legends, amusing tales, or terrifying myths. The northern tribes, for example, tell stories of a great silver yak that guides travelers out of fierce blizzards and snow storms into hidden valleys. Western tribes whisper of giant spiders that have built their own dark empire in the heart of dense swamps, dragging lonely wanderers there for amusement and bloodthirst. Meanwhile, the people from south prefer legends about pasha Andargan and his insatiable greed. Possessing immense treasures and an even greater vanity, this ruler desired an appearance befitting his grandeur and announced this to all his court magicians. They dressed him in weightless armor, transformed into a muscular hansome man, and nearly made him a giant, but one wizard, as a joke, used a magical amulet to turn the pasha into a magnificent emerald dragon. The wise old sorcerer intended to open his eyes to the futility of avarice. However, things did not go as planned. For the first time in many years, Andargan felt truly fond of life. Incinerating the astonished courtiers with a powerful pillar of flame, the giant lizard soared into the skies, spreading chaos and destruction along his path. Remarkably, the crazy pasha can still be encountered these days — The Floating City had to defend against his frenzied and lightning-fast attacks a couple of times. So, keep an eye on the sky if you ever find yourself in the south! But enough tales for now, let's better talk about the upcoming Weekend Events in Rise of Angels!

Spending Points Exchange, Expense Ranking and Luck Card will start on Friday 31.05.2024 and last till Monday 03.06.2024Exquisite decorations, exotic artifacts, and refined outfits straight from the treasury of the richest pasha in the south await their new owners!

Expense Ranking - amazings gifts for your efforts.

Spending Points Exchange - spend some diamonds and get goods for free.

Luck Card - lady luck is smiling at you!

Please, keep in mind that actual event rewards may vary from the provided screenshots. Always check events in game by yourself before using them. 

Have an amazing weekend, heroes!

All the best,
CreaGames Team