Weekend events 03.05.24 - 06.05.24

Views: 3908
03.05.2024 00:20

Spring is a wonderful season! It's time for the bursting greenery, blooming flowers, and the harmonious chorus of birds. However, there are places on the continent where the sun shines just a little warmer in the spring than during the coldest winter days. Icy Wastelands is the land of blizzards and snowstorms that never cease even in the middle of summer. Surprisingly amidst the eternal permafrost and the mournful howling of the wind the unique tower-city of Anorbran is located. Built as a whim of a famous court mage, the settlement proved to be quite popular: nomadic tribes, wandering merchants, indigenous peoples of the North, and even representatives of some other races eagerly visited the tower to exchange or sell goods obtained through blood and sweat. Gradually, the space beneath the tower expanded with a dozen interconnected caves, where craftsmen, servants, and common citizens settled. Several extensive annexes were attached to the foundation of the main structure, housing nobles, dignitaries, and representatives of noble families and the most sought-after professions. The city expanded greatly during the demon invasion. It turns out that warm-blooded creatures struggle to endure the cold, and in winter they turn into blocks of ice halfway to Anorbran! But enough about cities, let's rather talk about the events of the Weekend Events in Rise of Angels!

Spending Points Exchange, Expense Ranking and Luck Card will start on Friday 03.05.2024 and last till Monday 06.05.2024A vast selection of icy artifacts, frosty staffs, blizzard arrows, and rare tundra resources — straight from the central market of the snow-covered city!

Expense Ranking - amazings gifts for your efforts.

Spending Points Exchange - spend some diamonds and get goods for free.

Luck Card - lady luck is smiling at you!

Please, keep in mind that actual event rewards may vary from the provided screenshots. Always check events in game by yourself before using them. 

Have an amazing weekend, heroes!

All the best,
CreaGames Team