Privacy Policy

CLASSWIRE LIMITED (the “Publisher”), respects the personal data of users (the “Players”) and ensures its safety on the Internet. For a better understanding of our privacy policy, please familiarize yourself with the following:

1. What information we store and how we use it

To become a full user of our resource, the Publisher will request your personal information, such as e-mail, when you register. This information will be used to verify your purchases, inform you of purchases and other actions taken through your account, and to contact you.

2. Cookies

To improve the quality of service, the Publisher can use cookies to store certain information and track it. This site uses cookies to track the number of visitors to the site and versions of their browsers. This information is collected only for marketing purposes. Cookies can also be used by third parties: for example, ad agencies place ads on the site and collect marketing data; this data is obtained from cookies, and not directly from users.

3. Sharing your information

The Publisher will never share your personal information with third parties or organizations. The publisher will abide by this Privacy Policy, except in the following cases:

  1. To provide you with better services, when your personal information is needed to provide you bonuses or additional services (such as special promotions, awards or in-game competitions). Such services and bonuses will be described in the news feed on our website. You will have the right to decide on your own whether to accept or refuse these services;
  2. Request of official authorities or in case of detection of your illegal actions on our website. For the sake of general security, the site will cooperate with representatives of government agencies and provide them with requested information.
  3. Upon your request to we will delete your personal information in accordance with the timeframes specified in the Agreement, unless the applicable law requires that we retain your personal information. We may delete your personal information six months after termination or expiration of the Agreement.

4. Links

If you follow links or advertising links from our site to other sites, please remember that you are not familiar with their privacy policy. Our privacy policy does not apply to external sites.

5. Protecting Yourself

Please keep your account private and do not share this information with third parties. In case of using a shared computer, do not forget to log off and close all game tabs to protect your personal data.

6. Changes to the Privacy Policy

The Publisher reserves the right to change or remove part of the Privacy Policy at any time, including the right to add to the privacy policy, as will be reported in the news feed on the main page of the site.

7. Purchase of in-game currency

When placing an order for the purchase of goods on the Publisher's site with a bank card, you will be automatically redirected to the payment aggregate payment form.
All the data entered by you on the payment form of the processing center of the payment aggregator is fully protected in accordance with the requirements of the PCI DSS security standard. We receive information only about the payment you made.
An email about the authorization of the payment will be sent to the e-mail address you gave during registration.
You will be redirected back to our website immediately after the payment is made. Processing of payment information can last from 5 seconds to several minutes.
In case of problems, including payment issues, please contact us at

To make sure you get the best experience on our Websites we use cookies. Find out more by reading our Cookie Policy. Hide